Getting a car finance deal on a used car is possible, but it can be complicated. Here are some tips to make sure you get the best deal when buying with money from a lender.
1. Make sure you’re getting a good deal on the car
It sounds obvious, but it’s easy to slip into the mindset of ‘the best price is the cheapest’ without any regard for whether or not you can actually afford that bargain-basement price. If financing this purchase will take up an unacceptably high percentage of your income, it might be better to purchase a different car than to stretch yourself financially in order to get the most affordable deal.
2. Get your finance pre-approved
It’s always advisable to have your finances in place before you start looking for a car, so getting pre-approved will help when the time comes to buy. This way you can also check which options are available with different lenders and what conditions they require for the best deal. Be aware that some lenders offer higher limits than others, so if you’re planning to buy a more expensive car, it might be worth looking around for the best possible deal
3. Use an open ended car loan
Open-ended finance means you will have the flexibility to pay extra off your borrowed amount at any time without penalty charges. This is ideal if you’re planning on paying more off your monthly repayments, say to reduce the interest bill or because your financial situation has improved. Make sure that if you pay off some of the amount before the end of the term, there are no penalties for this.
4. Use an online comparison website to get the lowest interest rate
Most of the major lenders have online comparison sites, so if you have a clear idea of how much your repayments will be, you can search for the lowest interest rate on offer – or check out a comparison website like Some comparison websites work with both classic and new cars, but some only cover used vehicles. If you’re not sure which classic car loans providers cover used vehicles, do a search and check for the details.
5. Don’t sign any clauses that could end up costing you more
When you are presented with the finance agreement, make sure you read it carefully, especially if there are any clauses relating to early settlement or penalty charges. Some lenders require you to continue servicing the vehicle for a certain time after buying it, even if the warranty has expired. Other conditions might include paying for damage that was not disclosed before buying the car, so if you are thinking of buying via finance, always have a good mechanic check out the vehicle before committing to purchase. For instance, if you want to get a BMW, the car might require replacements, and knowing the cost of original BMW parts can influence your decision about the purchase and the finance terms.
When you’re looking around for car finance on a used car, it’s also worth checking with online peer-to-peer lenders who may be able to offer better rates than traditional lenders.
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