Bullying is a huge problem for kids and sometimes adults. It makes them feel hurt, scared, weak, isolated, ashamed, and depressed. Bullying is not always physical, some types of bullying are psychological and emotional. For example, a bully might do mean things like pushing, kicking, insulting, alienating, or dominating to exercise their power. A bully might drive someone to live a hellish life and make him/her fear of going to places like school or work. It’s truly a problem that makes many people all over the world seriously suffer in their lives.
However, like every problem, there has to be a solution. You can deal with this problem if you learned some tips on bullying. Step by step and day by day, a person can learn how to protect themselves and deal with bullying.
The most important tips on bullying are simple. The first is to respect yourself more. And the second is to understand that the bully is a person who also suffers from the same problem they cause. But, these two tips are not sufficient.
Here are The Best Tips on Bullying and How to Deal With a Bully:
- The 1st Tip on Bullying is about understanding a bully.
Bullies are usually people who live in houses where everyone is a bully. They learn that interacting with people aggressively is the norm. A bully might think that what they’re doing is normal and they are unconscious of their behavior.
All of this also means that a bully also suffers from bullying in their homes, and feel the same pain that they cause.
Other bullies want to exercise power over people. They like to dominate and control people. Sometimes they do it to seek attention.
Another type of bullies do it for the sake of envy; they might try to hurt someone who has something he/she doesn’t have. For example, this type of bullies might hurt someone smarter, or more privileged than him/her; the bully cannot stand feeling inferior, so they try to make others feel the same way.
And a final type of bullies, which is perhaps the worst, is the psychopathic type. Those bullies sometimes cause pain for no reason other than pleasure or personal gain. They don’t feel empathy, so other people are merely instruments to them.
Understanding bullying is the first step. This way, you can know how to deal with each type.
- The 2nd Tip on Bullying Is: Try to pity the bully, rather than hate him/her!
The bully is essentially an anti-social person, which is a psychological problem on its own. That means the bully also suffers in his/her life. Try to understand his/her pain, rather than hate him/her.
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stand up for yourself. You must not leave the bully to cross the line. Pitying the bully is about empathy and human value.
- The 3rd tip on Bullying is: Asking for help is not weakness, and telling someone about a bully is not snitching. Try to surround yourself with friends.
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. And putting up with the bully on your own is not a sign of strength either. The bully wants you to feel helpless. You can always tell someone about your problem and seek help.
Also, telling someone about the bully is not snitching. The bully might want you to believe that, but it’s not true. People are social creatures who rely on each other for help. Telling someone about your problem is seeking help, not snitching.
This brings us to the third point of this tip, which is to surround yourself with allies. If you usually hang out with many friends and socialize a lot with them, the bully will find it hard to reach you. He/She will feel threatened by the number of your friends. And your friends can always help to defend you.
- The 4th tip on Bullying is to never seek revenge and to respect yourself.
Revenge only causes more pain. It’s a never-ending circle of hate and rage that only gets bigger and deeper. The best thing to do is to get over it without contributing to the equation. Eventually, the bully will realize that he/she, not a mature person.
By respecting yourself and the things that make you special the bully will feel more pain from hurting you than the pain they cause because your self-worth and respect will make him/her feel inferior and childish.
And always remember that you can win in your own mind. The bully has no power over your mind when you have a strong personality.
With the power of will and help from the people you love and who can help you, bullying will be a problem of the past. Always remember that understanding the problem is the first step to a solution. And self-respect will always make you a strong person no matter how physically weak you are.
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