Even though ankle injuries are quite common, only 50 percent of such patients seek medical advice from Orthopedic Surgeon. Of all the ankle injuries, ankle sprains account for the majority; in fact, 3 out of 4 ankle injuries are sprains. Sprains are actually the tears in the ankle ligaments, leading to weakness and instability of joint. Both in the sporting population and the general population, ankle sprains are quite common. Managing these injuries properly is important for stability of the joint and preventing future problems.
Read on to know more about ankle injuries and what not to do in case of injury:
The dos and don’ts of ankle injury
The first step in dealing with ankle injury is following the RICE protocol. The RICE method is constituted by resting the involved ankle, icing the joint, compressing the injured area in a compression bandage and elevating it to minimize inflammation and pain.
Just as you wouldn’t rub an external injury, don’t rub or apply heat to the injured ankle with internal injury. Heat application and massaging can exacerbate pain and swelling as the inflammatory mediators reach the point of injury. Instead, use cold packs or ice on the ankle every 2 to 3 hours for twenty minutes.
Rest the ankle, even if you feel fine at that time, or you may aggravate the damage to the ligament. No matter how minor the trauma seems, it carries the risk of greater injury especially in the first few minutes of trauma.
Visit your specialist soon thereafter, to rule out fracture. Healthcare professionals can spot ankle sprain immediately upon examination, however, if the sprain involves injuries beyond the ligaments investigations like MRI and x-rays need to be done. Misdiagnosis of ankle injuries is the cause of further trauma, injury and delayed healing.
Do not wear unstable and risky foot wear if you already have an injured ankle. Appropriate footwear provides stability to the joint and decreases the risk of falls. High heeled shoes in particular, destabilize even a healthy joint, and must be avoided if the patient has a sprain.
Be sure to reach out to your healthcare provider if the ankle doesn’t improve a week after injury. Other warning signs include: fever, redder ankle, tingling or any discoloration.
Avoid walking on uneven and slippery surfaces until the ankle has healed completely.
Immobilize the ankle. Just after the injury the ankle needs to be elevated, and immobilized in the proper position so that the ligaments can heal. If the patient continues to mobilize, the ligaments can become unstable and lax. Support brace or sports tape can be used for immobilization.
Most people try to walk off ankle injuries. Asking the ankle to withstand the body weight when injured is likely to intensity the pain and swelling.
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Physical therapy is important for strengthening the ankle and rehabilitating it. Physical therapy at home or in the clinic can stabilize the joint and is mandated after injury for every patient. Physiotherapists monitor the injury and develop an exercise routine tailored for the patient. In refractory injuries, physiotherapists also refer the patient to the surgeon.
Don’t If your healthcare provider has recommended care of a physical therapist, then be sure to start physical therapy. The timeline for healing in case of orthopedic injuries, often depend on the compliance of the patient and how regular they are in performing the recommended exercises. Not following the directions of the physical therapist or the Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Multan can lead to delayed healing and further chances of injury.